Dhotri Fort


Type:Land Fort
Location:270 Kms from Pune, 25 Kms from Solapur

Dhotri Fort – Gadhi is located in Dhotri village. The fort is in a good condition and its main attraction is the spiral stairway built in the bastion.

The fort is surrounded by the village on one side and loose soil on the other.

The fort is surrounded by the village on one side and loose soil on the other. A certain part of it has been collapsed but the pattern is untouched. The same kind of stone is used to build houses of the locals around the fort.

Places to Visit on Fort:

The main doorway is 12 ft tall facing northwards. There are porches built inside the doorway and the fortification wall near the entrance has a terrace room. There is a rectangular open ground in the premises at the corner of which are remnants of the building. The walls of the fort and bastions are built using white soil, stone and bricks with the bastions and fort wall having narrow windows in it. The wall towards the right has an eastwards facing entrance to the citadel. Moving ahead from this doorway one comes across a dried up step well to the right. There are four bastions to the fort and the bastion to the south has a spiral stairway leading to the top which gives a complete view of the fort and its structure. After descending the bastion one comes across a room built in the fortified wall with a semi circle shaped roof. Moving ahead parallel to the fort wall one can see the remnants of the structure on the way to the West bastion. Here there is a small doorway covered in bushes which takes us to the rectangular open ground with fort wall on all sides and two bastions on its two corners. There is a dried up well to the right.

How to reach:

Kardehalli village is 19 kms from Solapur on the Solapur-Akkalkot road. Take the small road road to the left of the main road. Dhotri fort is 14 kms from Kardehalli.

Bramhani village is 15 kms from Solapur on the Solapur-Hyderabad highway. A small road to the right of a main road takes us to Dhotri village which is 24 kms via Musali-Tandulwadi.

Best time to visit:

Any time you can visit Dhotri Fort – Gadhi.

About Ravi

I love history and also like to read about the history of forts in Maharashtra. Graduate from Mumbai, Maharashtra.

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